Wednesday 2 November 2011

Animatic + feedback ...

Using my storyboard, I put together a animatic to my chosen song. This shows the different angles and movements that will be included in my video. 

Once I had uploaded my animatic to my YouTube channel, we had a class discussion about all our animatics, enabling us to receive feedback.

- I like the variation of shots, however more filler shots could be included to show the location
- Nice use of natural locations but maybe it could have a narrative
- It's good as you can tell it meets the conventions of an acoustic music video, through the use of locations and props
- Maybe a change of location?
- Use more of a mixture of shots, like panning

From this feedback, I now know that I must use more shots, especially sequences and panning. Also, a narrative could be used to further develop the concept that is typically seen in an acoustic/indie music video.

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