Tuesday 11 October 2011


After researching acoustic/indie music videos, I have decided to use two different locations. The shots I want to include in my music video, need to be very natural and typically what you would see in a acoustic/indie music video, so I am filming at St. Catherine's breakwater and also St. Catherine's woods.

St. Catherine's breakwater:

St. Catherine's woods:

I have am also doing a bit of filming at St. Ouens for photos and additional shots, in order to add variety to my music video.

Here's is a video of my locations. I edited this footage on Final Cut Pro, and also I put leaders and light leaks over the top, by decreasing the opacity. This was a experiment as I know it is commonly used in acoustic/indie music videos, and I did this in order to be ready for when I am editing the final music video.

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