Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Applying Andrew Goodwin’s Theory:
  1. The use of natural locations, like the woods and beach are also seen in real media products of the acoustic and indie genre.
  2. The visuals both illustrate and amplify the lyrics in my music video. An example is when the lyrics say ‘When I’m Alone’, so the visuals illustrate the singer by herself, showing her isolation and reflection on this relationship. Also, the song is very rhythmical, so there are fast paced edits to match the beat of the song and to make the video more interesting.
  3.  The visuals in my music video are either illustrating or amplifying the music, for example, there is a heavier bass in the chorus, which is illustrated in my video through a faster pace in the change of shots. There is also use of an overlay and light leaks at this same moment, which amplifies its rhythm. Also, I have included the use of a guitar as a prop as this visual amplifies the music as it shows that this is an instrument being used in the song.
  4. In my music video, I have included close-up shots of the artist, as it is a demand of record label. Also, there is a range of other shots of the actress/singer to add variety to the video and make it more interesting to watch. 
  5.  There is no reference to the notion of looking through screens within screen or telescopes, however the artist does look at the camera, which suggests a connection with the audience. There is also no voyeuristic treatment of the female body as it doesn’t fit within this genre of music. I have portrayed her as a playful character as I have used shots of her laughing and playing in the woods.
  6. The costumes used in my music video have references to both acoustic and indie artists, such as Lissie, Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, Colbie Calliat and, Marina and the Diamonds. The use of locations and props is typical to this genre of music, especially scenes at the beach and in the woods and also the use of a guitar.

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